For the health and safety of our patrons, the Winter Solstice Preservers’ Celebration is canceled for December 21 and will be rescheduled when we can gather safely. More information will be available in the new year.
The Sands Point Preserve celebrates every season throughout the year, and, on this wintry evening of the shortest day of the year, we honor our major donors who contribute $1000 or more per year, ensuring that Conservancy’s goals can be met.
This year, the event will take place at Mille Fleurs, the fourth mansion built on the estate in 1932, designed by Polhemus & Coffin for Florence Guggenheim. Inspired by Chateau Beauregard (1677) in Pomerol, France, Mille Fleurs is an elegant waterfront mansion, newly refurbished by the Conservancy’s Chairman of the Board. Preservers are invited to tour the mansion and dine in 1930’s French style…
Please note, for everyone’s health and safety, all guests and staff will be required to take a COVID-19 antigen test immediately prior to the event – a professional testing service will administer the tests in Castle Gould’s Great Hall at 6 – 7:30 pm. Guests with negative results will proceed to Mille Fleurs. All guests must provide proof of vaccination, photo ID, and must wear facemasks indoors.
Please consider a year-end donation to the Conservancy, and join us for this unique experience. For information about contributing, please see our website or contact us at 516.439.4891 to discover the many ways that you can become involved at the Sands Point Preserve. Thank you!

- December 21, 2021
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm