b'We greatly admire theBoard of Directors: thought and effortsKarli Hagedorn, Chairman; Trey Pauley; Alyson K. Adler; devoted by the Georgia DeYoung; Adam Hanft; Brian Herrington;Board of Directors Dilia Kamensky, Chiara Trento Mai; Jack Mandel;Marla Pinkus, Jean-Marie Posner, Anita Sethi;and Advisory CouncilJane Stern; Frank C. Ullmanto this wonderful facility. Emereti: Peter Dejana; Marcia Forman; Jim Hagedorn; Kay and Leo Ullman Amrit SethiAdvisory Council:Ed Adler; Ginny Couvillon; Wayne Wink, Jr.To live here and to work here.so grateful for the Sands Point Preserve. The Perelman Bosgang FamilyGala Sponsors '