b'CHAIRTHE ASSEMBLY STATE SubcommitteeonOccupationalLicensesOF NEW YORK ALBANYCOMMITTEESEconomicDevelopment,JobCreation,CommerceandIndustryElectionLawGovernmentalGINAL.SILLITTI EmployeesLaborAssemblymember16thDistrict Tourism,Parks,ArtsandSportsDevelopmentTransportationMEMBERLegislativeWomensCaucusTaskForceonWomensIssuesJuly 16, 2024Dear Friends,Welcome to the 2024 Avant-Garden Party Gala! I applaud the Sands Point Preserve Conservancyfor another successful event showcasing the breathtaking Hempstead House Garden.The Hempstead House Garden is bursting with color and variety, and embodies the beauty anddedication of our community to protect and conserve our natural environment. The HempsteadHouse Garden continues to be a symbol of natural beauty and historic significance, standingproudly among the many other landmarks of the Sands Point Preserve.The Sands Point Preserves dedication to its conservancy mission, cultural programs, andeducational experiences have proven beneficial to all who visit. The Preserve continues to focuson restoring the past and serving the future, with the Garden exemplifying and embodying thebeauty and mission of the Preserve. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone involvedfor their dedication in ensuring that the Preserve remains one of the finest outdoor sanctuaries onLong Island. This spectacular event exemplifies the mission of restoring and celebrating nature,and demonstrates that the Hempstead House Garden will continue to be a hallmark of the SandsPoint Preserve.I am excited to celebrate tonight and I wish you all a splendid evening, filled with festivemoments, laughter, and joy, as we celebrate the vibrant future of the Hempstead House Garden.Warmest Regards,Gina L. SillittiNew York State AssemblyDistrict 16 ALBANYOFFICE:Room452,LegislativeOceBuilding,Albany,NewYork12248518-455-5192,FAX:518-455-4921DISTRICTOFFICE:44SouthBaylesAvenue,Suite200,PortWashington,NewYork11050516-482-6966,FAX:516-482-6975EMAIL:sillittig@nyassembly.gov'