Ticket line: 516.304.5076 info@sandspointpreserve.org SandsPointPreserve.org 127 Middle Neck Road, Sands Point, NY 11050 The Sands Point Preserve Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible in accordance with Federal and State tax codes. Karli Hagedorn Chairman Owen Costello Treasurer James Hagedorn Secretary Alyson K. Adler James Avena Peter Dejana Georgia DeYoung Angelo Giannuzzi Adam Hanft Jack Mandel Jean-Marie Posner Amrit Sethi Jane Stern Martha Theodos Marcia Forman, Emeritus Sands Point Preserve Conservancy Beth Horn Managing Director To preserve and protect the magnificent structures and grounds of the Sands Point Preserve, to promote the Guggenheim Estate as a living museum focused on the preserve’s rich history, natural habitats and the architectural features that enhance educational and cultural experiences for all who visit. MISSION STATEMENT Board of Directors Nicole Asselta Deirdre Breen Lisa Cusano Adina Dabija Antonia Fthenakis Jennifer Goldman Ken Horowitz David Jakim Leah Master Hildur Palsdottir Jeffry Petracca Eric Powers Michael Tester Judy Wein Mary Lou Wojcicki Haas Leah Zwerlein Educators & CONSULTANTS Laura Curran Nassau County Executive White Party 2018 Co-Chairs Elizabeth Boylan Georgia DeYoung Carly Rose Elson Dilia Kamensky Tracy Strianese, Education Manager