b'my grandfather, simon falconer, came to the united states from scotland in the early 1900s. having been trained in gardening and agriculture, he soon became the head groundskeeper and greenhouse supervisor at one of the largest and most prestigious estates on long island: the Guggenheim estate. When he left his job to start his own business s.f. falconer, florist, harry Guggenheim gave him two invaluable assets to seed his entrepreneurial spirit: 1. the businessof the entire Guggenheim estate, and 2. the greenhouse he hadbeen supervising.today, the greenhouse still operates ats.f. falconers. a historical designation Plaquefrom the Cow neck historical society has beeninstalled to indicate its significant heritage.i find the history of the sands Point Preserve fascinating, and i am proud of my familys deep connection to it.i want to congratulate the Preserve for creating a spectacular new hempstead house Garden that pays homage to the estates formal history while also creating an innovative experience for todays visitors.i am sure my grandfather would be honored to see the legacy he has left, as we continue to carefully, lovingly, and meticulously tend to this land, just as he did100 years ago. Fred Falconer'