b"+ THE ASSEMBLY STATEOF NEW YORK ALBANYGINAL.SILLITTIAssemblymember16thDistrictAugust 1, 2023Dear Friends,I am delighted to congratulate the Sands Point Preserve Conservancy for hostingtheir 2023 Garden Party Gala, showcasing and unveiling the newly transformedHempstead House Garden. For over 100 years, the Hempstead House Garden has beenthe backdrop for grand parties and intimate discussions among the brightest minds inthe world. With these recent renovations, it will continue to be a symbol of naturalbeauty and historic significance, standing proudly among the many other landmarks ofthe Sands Point Preserve.The Preserve's dedication to its conservancy mission, cultural programs, andeducational experiences has proven beneficial to all who visit. Over the past year, thePreserve has been committed to reimagining, redesigning, and replanting the Gardenusing environmental techniques to enhance its aura and elegance. I would like toexpress my gratitude to everyone involved for their dedication in ensuring that thePreserve remains one of the finest outdoor sanctuaries on Long Island. This historicevent signifies the beginning of a new 100-year era for the garden and will continue tobe a hallmark of the Sands Point Preserve.I am excited to celebrate this momentous occasion and construction of the timecapsule. I wish you all a splendid evening, filled with festive moments, laughter, andjoy, as we celebrate the new beginning for the Hempstead House Garden.Warmest Regards,Gina L. SillittiMember of AssemblyDistrict 16ALBANYOFFICE:Room920,LegislativeOceBuilding,Albany,NewYork12248 518-455-5192,FAX:518-455-4921DISTRICTOFFICE:20VanderventerAvenue,Suite100West,PortWashington,NewYork11050 516-482-6966,FAX:516-482-6975EMAIL:sillittig@nyassembly.gov"