b'a 100-year history of thehempstead house Garden1924: A GArden wAs CreAted2011: A new Life In 1924, Florence Guggenheim had a vision forBy 2011, the original garden was gone and the a spectacular sprawling garden overlooking thearea behind Hempstead House had become a Long Island Sound.An extension of the inimitableragged field of grass.Guided by photographs from Hempstead House, the garden was meant tothe Guggenheim era, Karli Hagedorn and Aldo inspire awe and wonder in those who visited. Calabrese embarked on an effort to restore the Florences landscape architect, Neil Chamberlin,garden.Using historic aerial shots that showed designed an elegant space that was used byfaint outlines of the gardens original layout the Guggenheims for years to entertain theirand ground-level images that showed roses and prestigious roster of guests. boxwoods, the two created a design that was inspired by Florences initial vision.Surprisingly, as they began to dig, they found the edging of some of the original pathways and beds buried beneath the grass.The newly refurbished garden sprang to life, and in 2013, it was dedicated as The Posner Gardens in recognition of the extraordinary efforts of Jean-Marie Posner on behalf of the Friends of the Sands Point Preserve.2021: rose rosettes diseAse In the spring of 2021, 1,000 of the Gardens 1,500 rose bushes were killed by Rose Rosette Disease (RRD). Once a garden contracts RRD, the dead rose bushes must be excavated and replaced with another plant.'