b'dR. RoBERT H. goddARd (CEnTER) WITH HIs PATRons HARRY f. guggEnHEIm (lEfT) And CHARlEs lIndBERgH (RIgHT) In fRonT of A lIquId-fuEl RoCkET, RosWEll, nEW mExICo, sEPTEmBER 23, 1935An A-sERIEs lIquId-fuEl RoCkET, BEnEATH ITs sHEllA-sERIEs lIquId-fuEl RoCkETdr. Goddard tried to launch this A-Series liquid-fuel rocket on September 23, 1935, in Roswell, new Mexico, to demonstrate its capabilities to supporters Charles Lindbergh and Harry Guggenheim. A technical problem prevented its flight, but, because earlier A-Series rocket launches had succeeded, Lindbergh and Guggenheim felt Goddard was on the right track.'