
Trio of windows in the Breakfast Room


The Sands Point Preserve Conservancy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization responsible for preserving the legacy of the historic Guggenheim Estate and ensuring its vitality and relevance today.  From maintaining the 216-acre grounds, to making necessary repairs to Hempstead House and Castle Gould, to providing innovative community programming, the Conservancy works each day to protect this historic and natural gem.

We cannot do it without you. 

When you make a donation or purchase a daily pass, annual Membership, event ticket, or sponsorship package, you provide significant support to our mission.  When you come to hike the trails, picnic by the pond, bring your children to the playground or your dog to the dog park; when you tour our mansions, attend a seasonal event, or educational class; when you step foot onto this estate, you give it life.

We hope you’ll consider all the ways to give to the Sands Point Preserve.  For more information, contact Melanie Dunbar, Development Manager, at 516-570-2236 or

Support the Sands Point Preserve Conservancy Today:

Become a Member
Enjoy 12 months of free access to the Preserve and special Members-only hours all while supporting the conservation of the Preserve with a 100% tax-deductible gift.

Give the Gift of Membership
Purchase a gift membership online today!  We will mail the gift recipient their membership cards with a note card listing your name.

Donate Now
Support the protection of the Preserve’s historic legacy, natural wonders, and community programming with a 100% tax-deductible gift.

Garden Naming Opportunities
Honor a loved one, commemorate a special date, or craft a personalized message with an engraved brick, planter, or fountain dedication, all to be placed in and around the newly transformed native Hempstead House Garden.

Tribute Orchard
Honor or memorialize a loved one with a dedication plaque in front of one of our fruit-bearing trees, lovingly planted and cared for in a special orchard overlooking the peaceful Long Island Sound.

Legacy Gift
Protect the Preserve for generations to come by including the Conservancy in your estate plans.

Corporate Giving 
Explore corporate membership, sponsorship, and matching opportunities, all of which provide invaluable support to the Conservancy’s mission to protect the Preserve.

Campaign to Save Hempstead House
Contribute a 100% tax-deductible gift to restore and repair the roof, window lintels, dormers, and stone exterior of one of the Preserve’s most precious historic assets.

Join our Email List
Never miss an event, program, or special announcement!  Sign up to receive regular e-news updates to stay current on all the Preserve has to offer.

View Gala Journals
View the flipbooks of recent gala journals, which are created to support our mission, honor members of the community, and celebrate the wonderful patrons who give generously to ensure the future of the Guggenheim Estate. 

View our 2024 Preservers