
QiGong is considered one of the five branches of Asian Medicine, a foundation for martial arts, and a spiritual practice revered in Daoist and Chan Buddhist tradition. Qi is a vital element found in everything: the sun, the trees, the wind, the sky, the blooming flowers in spring and the falling leaves in the fall. Qi is in every human body, too. Hypocrates called it pneuma, or vitality. When out of balance, your qi flow can become deficient, stagnant, or excessive and therefore could leave you feeling sluggish, heavy, tight, or anxious. Qigong has been used for centuries to correct such imbalances.

Join instructor Adina Dabija for a five-session course in the castle rooms or on the beautiful grounds of the Preserve. You’ll learn a classical sequence of slow and silken movements that will show you practical methods for living in harmony with these seasonal changes, that will inspire and support you to:

  • Cultivate vitality and steady energy
  • Balance the body’s organs and meridians
  • Reduce stress and anxiety, supporting the cardiovascular system
  • Alleviate joint pain
  • Enhance the immune system
  • Support optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health

Two sessions will be offered during each season:
Adults – 11:30am to 12:30pm
Families (with kids 5+) – 12:30pm to 1:15pm

Winter: Sunday, January 21
Spring: Sunday, March 24
Summer: Sunday, June 23
Late Summer: Sunday, September 15
Fall: Sunday, November 17

Admission (includes parking and all fees):
Member Adults: $15 per class, $65 for 5-session series
Non-Member Adults: $25 per class, $110 for 5-session series
Children: $5 per class, $20 for 5-session series
Wear comfortable clothes and bring a bottle of water.

Purchase tickets in advance.

About the instructor:

Adina Dabija is a New York State Licensed Acupuncturist nationally certified in Oriental Medicine by the National Commission for Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She holds a Clinical Master Degree from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and formal certifications in Medical Qi Gong from the Institute of Classical Asian Studies, New York. Adina is also an orange belt level kung fu practitioner.